本周六 4月3日 2010。枫华之声邀请 加拿大国税局帮助学生和低收入家庭 办理免费退税服务。
时间 四月六日 下午 12:00pm 到 5:00pm
地点: 曼大 大学中心 二楼 university centre 217-217A GSA LOUNGE
社会保险卡, 如果没有可以办理临时的社会保险卡, 需要带本人的护照照片页复印件, 和学生签证。
收入退税表格,(t4,t5 t6, ) 退休保险表格 (RRSP), 共车票收据,租房子房租证明, 如果有上一年的退税评估表格,请一并带来。
根据加拿大国税局免费退税的条例, 申请者或家庭需要满足一下条件:
个人收入不超过 25000, 夫妻一同办理 不能超过 35000。
问题请电 2968866。
In order to help low income personal or family with their tax return. MCT has invited Canada Revenue Agent volunteers to help with free tax return.
Location is university of Manitoba, university centre, GSA lunge 217-217a. on this Saturday April 3rd. 12pm to 5pm
Please bring:
social insurance number (SIN),if you don’t have, please bring the photocopy of passport photo page and your student permit.
The forms to bring are: T2202, Rent receipts
or property tax statements, T3, T4, T5, RRSP, RC62, public transit receipt etc…
if you have, please bring last year tax assessment.
Eligibility criteria
The suggested maximum income levels for the CVITP have changed over the years and these levels should serve as a guideline only.
Single person up to $25,000
Couple up to $35,000
One adult with child up to $30,000
Each additional dependent $2,000
Interest income less than $1,000
Local community organizations have the flexibility to adjust or set additional eligibility criteria for tax filers based on the local economic environment, the population they serve, and their own capacity.
Any question please call 2968866 |