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St. Vital, 一居室出租,11月1日入住!

匿名  发表于 2009-10-20 01:16 |阅读模式
Rotunda Towers
22 Beliveau Rd.
Caretaker Phone:  255-2838
Building Description:
Best kept St. Vital secret. This beautiful highrise overlooking the city, combines convenience & luxury with affordable living. Numerous amenities catering to seniors.  

Suite Type:  1 Bedroom
Rent:  $725.00
Lease Expiry Date:  8/31/2010

Features and Amenities:
Heat, electricity, water included; Onsite laundry; New fridge and stove; Dishwasher; Elevator, Building security; “No pets allowed”; Nice view balcony.

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