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Pembina Woods Sublet - Living room ($350/m) or bedroom ($450/m) 

匿名  发表于 2010-5-20 00:57 |阅读模式
Looking for Roommate - Pembina Woods Sublet - 2086 Pembina Highway R3T 2G8
- utilities and internet included
- Sublet living room for $350/month OR large bedroom for $450/month
- Pembina Woods requires $350 deposit (refundable)
- Parking stall is available for $25/month/stall extra
- on-site prepaid laundry $1.25/wash & $1.50/dry
- 10 minutes walk to UoM
- partially or fully furnished! (depending on how you define it)

- looking for a long term friendly co-tenant (and someone who MUST speak cuz seriously people who don't speak or discuss things will drive me crazy!)
- Starting on June 1, 2010
- transportation for groceries can be provided (if you ask nicely ^.^)
- no pet or 1-night-standers allowed (thanks!)
- no gender or occupation specified, as long as you are clean, friendly, and never love to owe others money! (I am a nice guy anyway)

- call / email to make appointment to see! (appointments must be made for the evening)
- call me at: 330-3221 (Thong) and plz DO leave a voicemail if I don't pick up the phone.
- email me at: twcthong@gmail.com
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