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纽约州发生重大枪击案 13人被打死 41名人质(组图)









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峰子 发表于 2009-4-3 23:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- p5 I5 L5 ]/ I* k% h. e有媒体报道,当地时间4月3日上午,美国纽约州小城宾厄姆顿发生枪击案,已造成13人死亡(CNN称4人被枪击),并有多人被劫为人质。
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  当地媒体称1名枪手在市政中心开枪射杀13人并在建筑物内劫持多名人质,警方已经包围案发地点。当地电视台称警方封锁了案发地附近的一所学校和几个街区。当地报纸称市政中心里有20至40名人质被劫持。: [: o* o: L- Z( ]1 O
 位于纽约市西北方向的小城宾厄姆顿靠近纽约州与宾夕法尼亚州交界。8 G6 _& h7 D& |, L" `
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美联, 美国纽约州宾厄姆顿发生枪击案 这张4月3日的电视截图显示,在美国纽约州宾厄姆顿枪击现场,救援人员用担架抬出一名伤员。据当地媒体报道,美国纽约州宾厄姆顿的一个移民中心发生枪击案,有4人遭到枪击,并有多人被劫为人质。 / X( F# f5 s4 \$ r: U. s
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(CNN) -- Authorities are at the scene of a building in Binghamton, New York, where there are "multiple" shooting victims and hostages are being held, a county spokesman said." l# `* ~" h) I( k

. r1 O% [3 K$ o1 u. }0 wBroome County Director of Emergency Services Brett Chellis said there is an "active" shooting situation at the American Civic Association, and that several law enforcement agencies are at the scene.
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5 e) j) @: D7 A1 p  KChellis did not provide numbers of victims or hostages, and had no further details.
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The local newspaper, the Press & Sun-Bulletin, said on its Web site that at least four people were shot and 41 people had been taken hostage. The newspaper reported that Binghamton Mayor Matthew Ryan, who was at the scene, said there was a hostage situation and said the shooter had a high-powered rifle.  \# _3 u& O# u# c4 m  ^
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FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said the FBI is sending hostage negotiators and an evidence response team to the scene.
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, F, g7 Z& G3 N# A. k5 j# zThe newspaper said the incident began around 10:30 a.m. ET. Nearby apartments were being evacuated and Binghamton High School is on lockdown, it said.  }. M: U! t. e& F8 R4 }
Don't Miss
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+ i. Y; r( t; h6 A"Within minutes [the situation] turned into one just flooded with police," Bob Joseph, news director of WNBF Radio, told CNN.4 P: Y2 Y9 V8 f+ J$ W) J
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The American Civic Association helps immigrants and refugees with a number of issues, including personal counseling, resettlement, citizenship and reunification, and provides interpreters and translators, according to a United Way of Broome County Web site, which is affiliated with the association.
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" b' C: E: O: SBinghamton is about 140 miles northwest of New York City.
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